Are you a woman over 40 who feels that life is passing you by faster than you ever expected?

Do you have concerns about how the second part of your life will play out as a result of where you find yourself now, or what you have seen play out with your parents or other family members?

Are you at a place where you KNOW you want to live your second half in the best way possible, but aren't sure where to start or how to create a truly wonderful future?

Are you ready to invest time and energy tinto creating what you REALLY want and to make your second act your best act?

Imagine waking up every day knowing that you've got a practical AND inspiring plan for your future and the best is yet to come.

This CAN be your future -
but only if you TAKE THE TIME to create your plan and work it.
And here's your opportunity to do just that.

If you're like most women aged 40+, you may have fallen into some level of fear or even despair about what the next few decades may hold.

Indeed, midlife is a time like no other - ageing parents, grown-up children, possibly divorce or widowhood, or you may never have married or found that special someone. You may have grown bored or disillusioned in a job, career path or business and be longing for change, yet might be too afraid to make it. Or perhaps all-things-menopause have felt like a rollercoaster and you're not sure sure who you are now or want you truly want?

It's a lot!

And all of this and more can and does create what feels like a 'midlife crisis'.

But what if this apparent crisis actually holds the keys to unbridled opportunity?

Because it absolutely can!

You may not see how right now, but that's where MIDLIFE MAGIC comes in.

MIDLIFE MAGIC is a SIX-MONTH CONTAINER where you will be guided, inspired and supported every step of the way to re-imagine, re-align and re-create the future you TRULY DESIRE.

No more leaving your future to chance, or burying your head in the sand because it feels like too much hard work. Inside of this 6-month container, you will create from a place of joy, expansion and possibility, while automatically taking care of those all-important pieces that also matter - your body, health and finances - so that you can handle whatever life brings, while still continuing to make your lifelong dreams come true.

Why not give yourself the ultimate gift of dedicating just six months of 2025 to ensuring that the rest of your life is truly the best of your life?

My sincerest question to you is: if not now, then when?

This program has been designed so that we focus on one super-powerful building block per month via a deep-dive workshop at the start of each month. Then there are THREE 90-minute group support calls per month to assist you to complete that step to the max, to discuss anything and everything related that might come up and receive the most value possible, to plan your next steps for the upcoming week and gain great ideas from other Midlife Magic ladies who are on this journey with you. The third group call of the month will be used to start making movement ready for the next month's workshop.

Here's how the program unfolds:




By this point in your life you've probably accumulated a LOT of STUFF. Whether we're talking experiences, lessons, hurts, possessions, papers, debts, clutter, or undone tasks, by this point the list could be overwhelming. Here in Month 3 we're going to start addressing this so that you can create the space you need to fit your magnificent future.


This 3-hour workshop will provide: You'll choose something from your big CLEAN UP LIST, and receive real-time guidance and support to address something you've accumulated that feels overwhelming and debilitating to you. This could be a space in your home, some overdue accounts, a difficult conversation, or anything else that you've felt unable to tackle on your own or are ready to finally take care of. Taking action on this will be the starting point for taking care of your clean-up plan.


* You'll receive my step-by-step process for overcoming any sticking point no matter how big or scary it feels. This paint-by-numbers approach can be used to assist you to move through anything and everything that might be holding you back, and will serve you for the rest of your life. (Never shared before.)

* You'll learn my famous MAKE SPACE FOR MAGIC process which will teach you how to align yourself and any space in your home with what you truly desire. (This process combines the practical with the metaphysical to create outstanding results.)

* We'll discuss the various ways to approach your "stuff" now so that you don't create more clutter, chaos or drama in your future, for yourself or those who will be taking care of your things later.

* You'll continue to take weekly action to make movement on the work we do in this month's workshop.​


You'll know exactly what you want and need to clean up in your life so you can think straight, breathe easy and feel truly FREE as well as being clear on your strategy for taking care of "all the things" in a way that's easy and doable, over a period of time.


APRIL 2025


To get started with purpose, you need a destination and a map to get you there. Right now you probably have a jumble of ideas but they're all in your head and there's no plan in place to bring them to fruition.
Here in Month 1 we'll take care of that in spectacular fashion and get you clear, excited and raring to go!


This 4-hour workshop will provide: Everything you need to clarify what you most want from the rest of your life and to map it out. You'll have your first draft all done by the time we complete and plenty of time and opportunity to revise and update over the next 6 months as things become even clearer.


* You'll learn about your 11 FACETS - the 11 different aspects of YOU, both human and spiritual that are always calling the shots - and gain access to a whole new world of insight and self-understanding.

* You'll create the 8 LIFE-ELEVATING LISTS that will be your go-to resources for the rest of your life.

* You'll crystalise and timeline the future that you truly desire by working with your 11 Facets and your 8 Lists to create your SECOND ACT ROADMAP.


You'll have a clear, specific, timelined vision for the next 20+ years of your life that encompass everything that matters most to you and that can be added to and adapted as you go, your 8 Lists to live by and your crucial weekly check-in and accountability routine will be underway and established.


MAY 2025


Your future depends on YOU. But what if the you that you are today isn't the you that you want or need to be to claim that future you dream of? That's what we'll be addressing and re-creating here in Month 3.


This 3-hour workshop will provide: Identity training; Deep reflection & question answering; Vision boarding to capture the new version of you that you aspire to be - inside and out.


* You'll learn about where your Identity sits in the grand scheme of who you are, the role that it plays and how it can be transformed to create the results and future that you want.

* You'll learn the life-changing 180 DEGREE METHOD for creating outstanding shifts in yourself and your life.

* You'll create a VISION BOARD that captures in great detail the you that you desire to become.

* You'll continue to take weekly action to make movement on the work we do in this month's workshop.


You'll have a clear vision of who you want to be and why and a checklist and timeline for making that happen. Also, if you accept the mission, you'll have made one POWER MOVE to get the process underway!


JUNE 2025


Whether you realise it or not, you're already telling yourself a story. You're telling yourself a story about your childhood, your life so far, and what your future will be. If you're like most people, the story's probably not altogether wonderful! And that's because of the lens you're looking through. Through a different lens, your story is a true work of art, a masterpiece, a creation all of your own that is totally unique. But it gets better! Now that you know how life works, who you are, what you love and don't love, you have the opportunity to start consciously creating the story you really want to tell here in your second act. It's time to blow your own mind!


This 3-hour workshop will provide: Time to reflect on your story so far and time to understand how it has created your present; The opportunity to literally re-write your story up until now looking through a different lens so you can embrace it, make peace with it, and let whatever of it go that is no longer required. Then you get to write the narrative of your amazing future in a way that you can genuinely believe in and see how what you desire can be possible for you.


* You'll learn how to view your past through a completely different lens that brings clarity, peace, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and grace. This is hugely important if you don't want to feel weighed down by your past.

* You'll learn how to "reverse understand" how your past has led to your present. This is not only invaluable for connecting the dots of "why me, why this, why now?" but also to strategically create your future.

* There will be deep coaching work around mindset so that even if you have some resistance to re-writing your past, assuming you want to set yourself free, then together we will find a way!

* You'll continue to take weekly action to make movement on the work we do in this month's workshop, taking things up another notch by moving into intention setting so that you can start to even more consciously create your future.


You'll have re-written your story in a way that you can fully get behind setting yourself free to step into the new storyline that you are READY to live.


JULY 2025


If your current financial situation is not as you wish it to be, don't panic! Just as you can re-create yourself, your life, your future, you can absolutely re-create your financial situation! And here in Month 5 we are going to get to work creating a plan so that you can create whatever financial destiny you desire.
Hold onto your hat because this will be a juicy one!


This 3-hour workshop will provide: Time to clarify exactly what kind of financial future you want, how much money you will need, and time to ponder and explore options and brainstorm within the group.


* You'll receive a gorgeous workbook containing hundreds of ways to earn or make money along with important questions to answer so you can find the perfect option/s for YOU.

* You'll learn how to manifest money in a variety of ways and how to break through limiting beliefs and behaviours that may have been blocking you.

* There will be deep coaching work around money mindset because the topic of money can bring up all kinds of unhelpful feelings, beliefs and resistance around creating the financial abundance you want in your life. It's time for all of that to end!

* You'll continue to take weekly action to make movement on the work we do in this month's workshop PLUS you'll move into the money-related challenge which is to recoup your financial investment in this program before the program ends, so that for you this program effectively becomes free. (And if you want to set the bar even higher, then absolutely you can do that.)


You'll have clarified your financial future - what you want, what you need, and for what purpose and you'll have created a robust, aligned plan for meeting those needs so that finances are not a concern for you or your family.

You'll also, should you choose to accept the mission, have made some fun and real progress around the organisation of your finances AND have generated enough income to have recovered your investment in this program, if not more.




We will be ending on a COMPLETE HIGH! By this point in our journey together, you will have learned so much about yourself, what you want, what you need and how you're going to make it all happen. Now comes the even more fun part! Here in our final month you will choose a Passion Project - a project that will give you a juicy and powerful bridge into this newly designed Second Act.
This is going to be so much fun that it will be the perfect cherry on the cake,
and give you all you need to be able to bring any goal or dream to life in your fabulous future!


This 3-hour workshop will provide: Time to finalise your decision on what the best Passion Project is for you at this point in your journey, to map out the scope and brief of the project, and to take 1-hour of aligned action. We'll use the final portion of our time together to capture other Passion Project ideas so that you have lots of other fun projects to look forward to when this one is complete! The aim of the game is to create a series of Passion Projects that one-by-one enable you to take care of all you want and need to take care of to pull off your Second Act vision over the next 2-5 years.


* You'll learn how to take any goal or dream and turn it into a Passion Project so that it is actually achievable AND enjoyable. Using this priceless know-how you'll be able to create whatever you set your mind to - and in a way that is so much fun and that you absolutely LOVE! Feeling stuck or overwhelmed in the face of any dream or goal will become a thing of the past, and instead become something you can't wait to get stuck into and make happen! (Your fabulous future is, after all, created one life-changing goal at a time.)

* You'll receive a beautiful Passion Project workbook along with instructions so you can map out and strategise any and all Passion Projects in the future.

* You'll receive access to my daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly planning system in digital and PDF formats, so you can continue what we've started here and take your life and progress to whatever heights you desire.


You'll be working on your first Passion Project! Depending on what you chose, you may have finished it and be onto your second, or you might be knee-deep in joy and exhilaration as you witness yourself making movement on something you'd been putting of for years. Whatever is true for you, you can bet that whatever it is that you're focused on, you will be reconnected with yourself, your life and your future, and feeling more purposeful, inspired and excited for your future than you ever thought possible. In short, you'll have everything you need to take care of the things you must take care, as well as the things you can't wait to experience, make happen or enjoy. This entire 6-month journey will have set you up for the long-term success you desire, by addressing the inner and outer steps necessary to create a future you can't wait to dive into.


Private Member Area

You'll receive ongoing access to a password-protected online home where you will be able to access the call schedule, all program materials and call recordings, and a safe and confidential place to chat. The online home we'll use for this program is Mighty Networks.

Material Download

All program materials are downloadable in PDF format + MP3 audio files. All PDFs will be type-able, or you can print them out and handwrite onto them. Everything is yours to keep and refer to over and over.

Private 24/7 Chat Group

You'll be able to start or continue any program-rlated conversations inside our online home within Mighty Networks (no more Facebook!). Karen will also be available to comment, support and guide between calls and workshops.

Private Welcome Call

Once you have joined us, we'll organise a time for yourself and Karen to connect privately on zoom for 20-minutes before beginning your journey. This enables you to share with Karen your own personal reasons for joining this program, what you are most excited about and for Karen to get to know you personally and answer any questions you may have.

Monthly Workshops

On the first Sunday of each month (with the exception of February when we start on 23rd of the month) we'll dive deep into a 3-hour workshop to take action on our topic for that month. The aim of each workshop is to get the hard stuff done, or the things that you wouldn't do left to your own devices! Refer to the month-by-month overview above for the monthly breakdown.

3x Per Month Support Calls

We'll meet live on Zoom at 9am PT/12pm ET/5pm UK on three Mondays of each month to take action, discuss anything that's coming up, to plan action steps for the upcoming week and to do whatever needs to be done to fulfil the mission for each month. The final call of each month is a combination of support, shares and celebrations and doing the preliminary work in advance of the next month's workshop.



It goes without saying that for your second act to be your best act, your diet, energy and health need to be at their best.

VIBRANT will release in late spring 2025 and will give you a step-by-step process for transforming or upgrading your diet to be the most vibrant it can be.
It will enable you to recreate your eating habits consciously and steadily by employing a fresh new approach: one key step at a time, one month at a time, for long-lasting enjoyment and results.

After 27+ years of coaching and teaching women to eat cleaner, it's time to make it as easy as it can possibly be.

This program will retail for at least £297. You'll have a free pass to this program for being one of the women to step into Midlife Magic! In effect, you'll receive two amazing programs for the price of one - and VIBRANT is set to be my best diet-related program yet.

Don't miss this chance to come on this fully-supported
6-month journey that will set you up to make
the rest of your life be the best of your life

WE BEGIN: Sunday 23rd February 2025
PROGRAM COMPLETES: Monday 18th August 2025


This investment goes to £2497 on Wed 19 Feb 2025
£ 1997 APPROX. $2510
SAVE £500


6 payments of £430 / Approx. $540
£ 430 Approx. $540 per month
  • Your first payment of £430 is when you sign up, then 5 additional payments automatically processed one month apart.


12 payments of £240 / Approx. $302
£ 240 Approx. $302 per month
  • Your first payment of £240 is when you sign up, then 11 additional payments automatically processed one month apart.
“I have taken two courses with Karen and I would recommend them highly. Karen is so knowledgeable, so passionate and has a wonderful way of pushing people to the next level.

I would like to say to anyone out there who is thinking of doing a course with Karen is DO IT! You will learn so much.”

- Tess W, UK
"Karen has many gifts. Most importantly she exudes a compassion which connects her with people. We are all seeking a healthier lifestyle. Karen inspires us to connect more to our true selves and go beyond our physical limitations... I really, really, really like Karen. She’s a blessing - a cornucopia of sweetness and determination.
- Jane D, USA
"Before working with Karen, I was eating to a set of rules my mind had decided on, influenced by all the things I had read. I now have a hundred percent happier relationship with food."
- Suzanne, UK
Thank you so much for showing me and taking me to a place I’d only have ever dreamed of! More people need to experience what I have! Thank you!!”
- Laura, UK
About Karen Knowler


Karen Knowler has been successfully coaching, guiding, supporting and mentoring men and women worldwide for over 25 years. If you are looking to create a life and future to fall totally in love with, while making your dreams come true, look no further.

Read more about Karen here.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Please note that owing to the extraordinary value delivered, this program is non-refundable once purchased. "Lifetime access" means that you have access online for as long as we have an online home for this program. You'll be able to download and save everything to your computer as well, once the program has completed.