STEP 1: You need to decide or re-decide the exact journey that you want to take your clients/customers on. This creates the parameters of your work. This means that you get clear on exactly where you want to take someone from (Point A), and exactly where you want to take someone to (Point B). I call this spectrum from A to B your “Umbrella System” because the journey that you take someone on will typically span more than a couple of steps. (It usually falls somewhere between 5 and 12 steps, but varies from business owner to business owner. These steps create your complete System – a.k.a Umbrella System.) When you know what your Umbrella System is, it’s GAME ON!
STEP 2: With your Point A and Point B in mind, your next step is to empty your brain and find out EXACTLY what you’ve got. You need to get all of the pieces OUT. (There’s a heck of a lot in there, more than you think, and most likely way more genius hiding out in there than you have the first clue about!)
STEP 3: Next, you need to take all of those pieces and start grouping them together within each of the steps that fall within your Umbrella System. This is where each of those individual steps within your System start coming to life.
STEP 4: This is where you dive deeper into the details of each step and break each of your steps down into the separate smaller steps within them. Because this can be a LOT of work, I recommend that you pick just ONE step to focus on first, and flesh that out in as much detail as necessary, for someone to be able to follow it and be successful.
By the end of this step you’ll have your very first Signature System!
STEP 5: Is to take your first Signature System and turn it into a product, service or offer that enables someone to work with your System and get the transformation or results they desire. This might look like a book, a program, a class, a home study program, a treatment plan, a high-ticket offer, a mastermind or even a certification program.
This is how your turn your knowledge into the impact and income you are seeking.
Once you have one Signature System rocking and rolling for you, if you want to create even more income and impact, and become a real luminary in the world, you might choose to really go for it and…
STEP 6: Repeat Steps 4&5 for all of the other steps within your Umbrella System. If you have 5 steps in your System, this means you’ll need to flesh the other four out. If you have 12, then you’ll have 11 more to flesh out.
Once you’ve fleshed out ALL of the steps within your Umbrella System you’ll have created your best possible body of work. A body of work that could equate to creating quite literally millions of dollars within your business over the next few years, and for as long as you decide to keep sharing it.
Now isn’t that a journey worth taking?!