Success Stories

“Starting from the very basics, Karen will guide and support you into becoming the YOU, you always dreamed you could be.”

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achieving their goals

Eater Type: Functional Eater

Joyce, 63, Adelaide, South Australia

“Karen was a pivotal influence in my life and I will be forever grateful that I found her.”

Nature Lover, Dog Mamma, Face Yoga Expert, Water Baby

What brought you to first start working with Karen around your diet?

When I first began work with Karen my life was a mess, I felt a mess, and I had no idea how to move forward, I was scared and frozen. Life didn’t change magically overnight, I needed to make many adjustments and changes in my thinking and the value I placed on my self-worth. Fortunately, I developed the courage to make what at the time felt like really bold changes as a result of the support and guidance I received from Karen. She was a pivotal influence in my life and I will be forever grateful that I found her.

When you discovered your Eater Type, what effect did that have on you?

For me, discovering my Eater Type was a light bulb moment. It’s the difference between doing what you do unconsciously to suddenly becoming fully conscious of the choices being made in EVERY area of life.

How has knowing your Eater Type changed your life?

Knowing my Eater Type is one more tool that has allowed me to gain greater self-awareness of the choices I make, and has provided an increased ability to really know and understand myself better.

How did working with Karen make a difference in your diet and life?

At the end of the day, there’s no magic wand or guru that can take your pain away or turn your life into the life you’ve always dreamed of. Saying that though, finding Karen and joining my very first program with her, I felt my body literally taking a huge sigh of relief. Karen helped me to lift the black veil that I was metaphorically shrouded under. I don’t recognise the person I was back then to the person I have become.

What would your life look like now if you hadn’t made this change?

Honestly, I don’t even want to think about what life might look like now if I hadn’t made the changes I have made.

What would you say to anyone considering working with Karen?

What distinguishes Karen’s approach from others, is that you will learn how clean food opens you to up to an entirely new and extra-ordinary life where EVERYTHING is possible.

Starting from the very basics, Karen will guide and support you into becoming the YOU, you always dreamed you could be. If cooking or preparing food is not your thing, don’t worry! Karen has many recipes that are simple, easy and nutritious and don’t require a long list of ingredients.

If you’re ready to change the foods you put into your body but struggle doing it alone, there’s no better place to be than with Karen Knowler by your side.

What’s your favourite recipe?

How I Learned to Love Green Foods (It Wasn’t Always Like This!)
When it comes to cleaning up your diet, getting healthier, looking and feeling better generally and even feeling more emotionally stable, green foods are where it’s at. Green foods are not only full of vital vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are also very healing to the body and very calming to the system overall. My own history...
Eater Type: Experimental Eater

Gwendolyn, 59, Seattle, USA

"Working with Karen was the best investment I ever made in myself."

Animal Lover, Suburban Farmer, Travel Enthusiast, Family Focused, Spiritually Minded

What brought you to first start working with Karen around your diet?

I was sick with Covid and needed support in “getting back on the wagon.” I couldn’t understand why I was having so much struggle with eating healthy when I actually enjoyed eating healthy.

When you discovered your Eater Type, what effect did that have on you?

It was so good to finally understand why I kept veering off the healthy eating path, because the Experimental Eater in me wanted to keep experimenting and being more adventurous with food.

How has knowing your Eater Type changed your life?

I can design an eating plan that supports who I am at my core, so I don’t have to waffle anymore when it comes to eating.

How did working with Karen make a difference in your diet and life?

How and where do I even start!?

  1. I found out the different elements that keep me from creating what I want in my life. Like… relationships, environment, Eater Type, emotions and so on. This has been tremendously empowering for me.
  2. It affected my marital relationship. My husband changed as I changed, and this was a direct result of working with Karen. We both learned SO much… even though he wasn’t working directly with her. He still calls Karen his ‘coach’!
  3. The way I live my life now, as opposed to when I started with Karen is so different – starting from the way I plan and start my days. And I am still evolving from all I learned from her.  

What would your life look like now if you hadn’t made this change?

My marriage would still be wreaking havoc with me, my goals, and my life. I wouldn’t have learned to take true ownership of my diet and life and I would be paying the price in all areas of my life. 

What would you say to anyone considering working with Karen?

It was the best investment I have ever made in myself. Do it for yourself. You will NOT regret it.

What’s your favourite recipe?

How I Learned to Love Green Foods (It Wasn’t Always Like This!)
When it comes to cleaning up your diet, getting healthier, looking and feeling better generally and even feeling more emotionally stable, green foods are where it’s at. Green foods are not only full of vital vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are also very healing to the body and very calming to the system overall. My own history...
Eater Type: Sensual Eater

Tony, 58, Hertfordshire, UK

"I have a general vitality and vigour that I wouldn’t have thought possible at my age."

Avid Golfer, Interiors Expert, Gym Junkie, Restaurant Lover


What brought you to first start working with Karen around your diet?

When I first met Karen in 2010 it was clear that I needed to make some drastic changes to my eating habits. 

Although I had already lost some weight since my days of heavy drinking, I had replaced alcohol with fizzy drinks and my love of eating in restaurants meant that I was still overweight, with bad skin and a general lack of energy. I would think nothing of having two starters, three main courses and as much dessert as I could fit in at the local ‘all-you-can-eat’ Indian buffet!   

Although I had felt for some time that I needed to improve my diet, what held me back was my love of rich, spicy and usually fatty foods. The thought of a limp lettuce leaf on my plate filled me with horror. 

When you discovered your Eater Type, what effect did that have on you?

It helped me to understand others better and why they weren’t the same as me.

How has knowing your Eater Type changed your life?

It clarified for me that I could eat healthily but choose the foods that would still stimulate my senses.

Luckily for me Karen totally understood the type of eater I was and showed me a way to eat a varied, colourful, tasty and healthy diet without losing any of the sensual satisfaction that I craved from my food. 

How did working with Karen make a difference in your diet and life?

As a direct result of working with Karen I felt the benefits immediately and still today, many years later, I feel healthier than I have felt for decades. I’m at my perfect weight, without trying. My tennis and golf have improved, and I have a general vitality and vigour that I wouldn’t have thought possible at my age. Food for me today is not just a sensual experience.

Working with Karen has taught me the direct correlation between my food and the wellbeing of my body and mind.

What would your life look like now if you hadn’t made this change?

I would be sluggish. I was on a road to obesity and I was concerned about dying young, or at least getting ill young, with a family history of cancer and heart disease.

The outlook eating the way I was eating was not good.

What would you say to anyone considering working with Karen?

To anyone considering working with Karen I would say ‘Go for it!’ She has a unique style of helping people to achieve personal goals in a way that is fun and easy to follow.

What’s your favourite recipe?

How I Learned to Love Green Foods (It Wasn’t Always Like This!)
When it comes to cleaning up your diet, getting healthier, looking and feeling better generally and even feeling more emotionally stable, green foods are where it’s at. Green foods are not only full of vital vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are also very healing to the body and very calming to the system overall. My own history...
Eater Type: Emotional Eater

Beverly, 56, Netherlands

“Karen's the best at helping to uncover what’s silently driving you to eat a certain way.”

Mother, Bank Worker, Problem Solver, Cheesecake Fan, Caribbean Island Lover

What brought you to first start working with Karen around your diet?

After I came into Karen’s world I knew I had to work with her to go deeper because of how much knowledge and experience she has.

When you discovered your Eater Type, what effect did that have on you?

Enlightenment, understanding, being able to place my behaviour around food and make sense of it.

How has knowing your Eater Type changed your life?

It has made it possible for me to address the core issues in my life, which show up within my eating habits but also elsewhere. It has helped me to really get to know myself and understand myself better, and why I do what I do, and like what I like. 

How did working with Karen make a difference in your diet and life?

Karen provided me with expert support and tools to enable me to clarify my why and my vision and to help me to reach that vision, both within my diet and my life.

She taught me how to choose and apply healthy foods that were enjoyable and delicious, and how to identify and meet my needs.

Karen has a special way of putting things into perspective, she is the best at helping you to uncover the thoughts and feelings that are silently driving you to eat a certain way.

The ripple effect on others has been interesting! Friends, family, colleagues have all been curious about what I have been doing and eating, and also inspired. 

What would your life look like now if you hadn’t made this change?

I would definitely still be struggling.

What would you say to anyone considering working with Karen?

I would say to go for it. Karen is committed to your success and has so much knowledge and experience. You’ll not regret it!!

What’s your favourite recipe?

How I Learned to Love Green Foods (It Wasn’t Always Like This!)
When it comes to cleaning up your diet, getting healthier, looking and feeling better generally and even feeling more emotionally stable, green foods are where it’s at. Green foods are not only full of vital vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are also very healing to the body and very calming to the system overall. My own history...
Eater Type: Intuitive Eater

Angela, 74, Colorado, USA

“I hardly recognize myself. My husband sometimes introduces me as his new wife!”

Chocolate & Taco Lover, Life-long Learner, Colorado Paddler, Curious Health Coach, Granny

What brought you to first start working with Karen around your diet?

It all started in 2009 when I discovered Karen. She was a speaker on an online health summit. And I was a hungry listener. I was intrigued by her perspective on food and life. And I wanted to know more.

At this time of my life, I was challenged by mood swings, lower energy than I wanted and a health diagnosis that I didn’t want. I knew I needed to make some changes – especially in the food area – but was floundering in my attempts. We often choked down our new “healthy” food. You can imagine what dinner times looked like with three teens!

Karen was a breath of fresh air!

When you discovered your Eater Type, what effect did that have on you?

It was soooo freeing. And validating as I began to see my food through a new lens—and in a way that works for me.

How has knowing your Eater Type changed your life?

As I learned more, it encouraged me and empowered me to trust my desires and food choices. It’s helped to clarify what’s important to me and simplified my meal planning immensely. I’m enjoying foods that make my tummy and my heart happy!

How did working with Karen make a difference in your diet and life?

I hardly recognize myself!

I look different. I feel different. I act differently. I think differently. I see life through a new lens.

After a few of Karen’s online classes I was inspired, encouraged and empowered to try again. Our dinner times began to be fun again, with healthy – and delicious – food.

Karen literally opened up a whole new world for me.

My moods no longer felt like they were on a rollercoaster. 

I was often bouncing out of bed at five or six in the morning and had to make myself go to bed at night even when I wasn’t tired. 

Today, 12 years later and at 74 years young, I have a fresh, life-giving vision that pulls me forward day-by-day. I’m enjoying life-giving food that fuels my passion. And my dreams are coming off the shelf.

I feel like I’ve experienced several versions of “Angela” already. And I’m ready for even more. I didn’t come this far, just to come this far.

Being on this journey with other women I’ve met in a couple of the courses has been such a gift – and helped me realize that I’m not alone.

I am forever grateful for Karen. 

What would your life look like now if you hadn’t made this change?

I am definitely not the same person I was when I first found Karen! The transformation continues to amaze me – and my husband. He sometimes introduces me as his new wife!

Sometimes I wonder where I’d be today if I hadn’t followed that nudging to sign up for that first course with Karen, and the second and… Thankfully I didn’t ignore it.

What would you say to anyone considering working with Karen? 

Listen to your heart. Listen to your body. If you are feeling that nudging to discover the new you, don’t ignore it! Who knows where you could be in three months, six months – or in a year!

What’s your favourite recipe?

How I Learned to Love Green Foods (It Wasn’t Always Like This!)
When it comes to cleaning up your diet, getting healthier, looking and feeling better generally and even feeling more emotionally stable, green foods are where it’s at. Green foods are not only full of vital vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are also very healing to the body and very calming to the system overall. My own history...
Eater Type: Sensual Eater

Judith, 49, Switzerland

“Within less than 3 months of working with Karen, I achieved the previously impossible.”

Handbag Queen, Dog Lover, Aspiring Marathon Runner, Empath, Adventurer


What brought you to first start working with Karen around your diet?

I liked Karen’s unique combination of practical advice, her warmth, her templates, which are not only effective, but beyond beautiful visually.

When you discovered your Eater Type, what effect did that have on you?

Suddenly, so many things made a lot of sense. I now understand why I choose some foods at certain times. This enables me not only to better plan my nutrition, but also I am a lot kinder to myself. Before, I often gave myself a hard time because I could not stick to my draconic and inflexible eating plan.

How has knowing your Eater Type changed your life?

As one example, previously I did not want to invest in nice plates and cutlery, but then I did not always enjoy my meals as much. Knowing that I am a Sensual Eater made it clear to me how important it is for me to have a nicely done up table, plates and some decorations. It greatly enhances my meal and thus my whole experience of eating.

How did working with Karen make a difference in your diet and life?

Within less than 3 months of working with Karen, I achieved the previously impossible. I went from being a fully paid up Emotional Eater to no longer eating for emotional reasons, and bingeing became a thing of the past. It was incredible how quickly I made the change, seemingly effortlessly, after more than 20 years of overeating.

Karen incorporates a lot of wisdom, which she shares in an empathetic and accessible way. I therefore continued to work with Karen to tackle major obstacles in my personal and professional life. I will continue to do so in the future as well.

What would your life look like now if you hadn’t made this change?

I would think that I had a lot less options in life to change and that I would also be a victim of my circumstances. With Karen’s help, I not only have a different mindset, but a blueprint to operationalize the strategy we have built together.

What would you say to anyone considering working with Karen?

You will feel safe to share your struggles and even safer in working together towards resolution. Karen will show you that transformation can be easy and – dare I say it – even pleasurable.

What’s your favourite recipe?

How I Learned to Love Green Foods (It Wasn’t Always Like This!)
When it comes to cleaning up your diet, getting healthier, looking and feeling better generally and even feeling more emotionally stable, green foods are where it’s at. Green foods are not only full of vital vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are also very healing to the body and very calming to the system overall. My own history...
Eater Type: Functional Eater

Melodie, 49, North Carolina, USA

“This has been the best transformation of my life. It has changed my life.”

Traveler, Life-Learner, Money Expert, Athlete, Creative

What brought you to first start working with Karen around your diet?

In my early forties I started developing male patterned baldness and a skin disorder, granuloma annulare. I went to doctor after doctor and was on so much medication with so many side effects, I was even taking more medicine to counteract those side effects. One day I woke up and realized I was tired of taking so much medicine, having my liver tested every three months, and being tired all the time.

I knew deep down there was a better solution. I spent hours every day doing some type of research and reading about others and what helped them. I found and tried a few things but I realized it was boring and I couldn’t stay with it for a long period of time. Then I found Karen Knowler.

When you discovered your Eater Type, what effect did that have on you? 

Through Karen’s work, I found out I am a Functional Eater. This made life so much easier for me to know and accept how and what to eat. It was OK for me to be who I was. With this knowledge I quickly got on board with eating a clean, healthy diet. I can focus on the foods that benefit and support my health and make me feel so much better than I had before. I still eat for convenience, but with Karen’s support, I now choose healthier options.

How has knowing your Eater Type changed your life?

I now can plan easier and I know how to shop for my food. I accept how and what I need to eat. Knowing my Eater Type and working with it, I have no problem eating what I need to support my body. In no way does this feel like a diet.

How did working with Karen make a difference in your diet and life?

It’s been two years since I started working with Karen and I am off all of my medications and have 95% healed myself from hair loss and the skin disorder. While I’ve been on the journey for myself, my boyfriend has seen my transformation and is incorporating a healthy lifestyle now as well. And so far, he has lost 20 pounds! I am happy I found Karen and her wonderful support. This has been the best transformation of my life. It has changed my life.

What would your life look like now if you hadn’t made this change? 

I know I would still be on a lot of medications that would not be making any movement in my healing journey. I would be out of shape and not eating any better at all. 

What would you say to anyone considering working with Karen?

Karen is the best to work with. She has compassion and the insight to help you through anything you are struggling with. She has been the best guide I’ve had! 

What’s your favourite recipe?

How I Learned to Love Green Foods (It Wasn’t Always Like This!)
When it comes to cleaning up your diet, getting healthier, looking and feeling better generally and even feeling more emotionally stable, green foods are where it’s at. Green foods are not only full of vital vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are also very healing to the body and very calming to the system overall. My own history...

Ready to transform your eating, too?

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on your journey to food freedom by discovering your Eater Type here...

(Give me just 2 minutes of your time and I’ll change your life forever – promise!)