free 2-hour workshop


In this workshop you will:

🌸 Clarify where you are currently in your business journey.
🌸 Go on a guided visualisation journey to learn more about the YOU you are being called to step into for your next level of you and your next level of contribution.
🌸 Go on a guided visualisation journey to learn more about the unique body of work that is waiting for you to create and birth.
🌸 Take stock of where you are today in different aspects of your personal growth and your business journey.
🌸 And a mystery bonus exercise to help you to ground and clarify what happens next.

2 hours to centre, clarify and create the extraordinary future that you want.

Enter your details below to receive immediate access to the replay and the accompanying workbook.

Karen Knowler is a long-term author, teacher, coach and mentor, who not only created a whole new profession as a raw food coach, but also created many firsts in an already unusual niche, helped millions of people along the way and made millions of dollars doing so. Don’t miss your chance to learn and be inspired by one of the most visionary coaches of the modern world.