in a land not-so-far away, millions of people were walking all over the planet feeling lost, disconnected, lacking purpose and meaning, and simply taking each day as it came, simply just getting by…
Somewhere along the line they had forgotten that they were creators.
Somewhere along the line they came to believe instead that they were powerless.
Somewhere along the line they just decided, albeit unconsciously, that life was happening to them, and that life was to be endured, tolerated and that it was best to just take what you can, when you can, and hope that things would get better.
Generation after generation came and went.
Hope for a better life and future continued to prevail.
Every day they would continue to wake up, get up and attend to the details of their lives, while hoping for something different.
And every night they would go to sleep, wishing to wake up the next day in a different life, a better life, and hoping that day would come soon.
And while better days always came, they came sporadically, and did not last.
And year-by-year the strength of hope within each person faded just that little bit more.
The innocence and unbridled joy of childhood had long-since been forgotten…
The enthusiasm and passionate dreams of youth now felt like a lifetime away…
The fight and grit of early adulthood, now replaced by jaded acceptance…
These people had not only forgotten, they had completely flipped the original script of how life was supposed to be.
In amongst these many millions of people, if you cared to seek them out, you would find thousands of others who had not forgotten.
These were the ones that appeared happy, positive, upbeat and excited to take on the day – no matter what that day might bring.
Sometimes these people looked and dressed exactly like the many millions who had forgotten, and so blended in so much that you simply couldn’t see them.
And sometimes these people looked and dressed so differently to everyone else that they were dismissed as eccentrics, weirdos and dropouts.
But if you looked closely enough, beyond outward appearances and into their eyes, you would see the bright spark of life and the powerful remembrance of possibility and why we came, thriving, alive and well, and playing itself out in a dance of creativity, gratitude and celebration.
And these were the ones who never talked of hope, because they truly didn’t need it.
They had no need of hope, because they were already playing the game, and too busy visioning, creating, learning and enjoying… and falling more deeply in love with Life itself, and their own experience of life, with every passing day.

Whatever your history and relationship has been with life, this invitation is coming your way to help you to fall back in love with life – and specifically, your life again – or to fall even harder.
Life is a precious gift that we are in possession of right here, right now, and until the moment we draw our last breath, no matter what our circumstances, challenges or concerns, we have the opportunity, ability and possibility to create our lives anew, and to turn our hopes and most heartfelt dreams into reality.
But how do we do this?
This is exactly what Your Next Chapter will guide, support, teach and enable you to do.
Not just once, but forever.

The “Your Next Chapter” program brings together the best of both worlds: practicality and spirituality.
Quite simply we need both to create what we desire – neither is negotiable.
Spirituality gives us the vision.
Practicality gives us the steps.
Spirituality then intertwines with the practicality and day-by-day brings the magic and the many unseen interventions that enable us to pull off even the most challenging of transformations. Simply put: “life” somehow delivers to us the ideas, people, opportunities, circumstances and synchronicities that not only enable us to bring our dreams to life, but also shows us loud-and-clear that we are not in this alone (and actually, never have been).

- Clarify for yourself exactly what you want at this precise stage of your life using a multi-faceted approach that will help you to make the highest and best decision.
- Name your next chapter – specifically the next segment of your life that you can’t wait to step into off the back of what you decide. This part can be so much fun and can set the vibe and trajectory for exactly how you want this specific chapter to play out.
- Approach this next chapter as if you were writing a book – I’ll share my unique process for doing this in a variety of ways, as well as providing a beautiful downloadable template within which you can outline your chapter, capture the key details, and write your script.
- Learn how to craft a heart-led intention – this is akin to a prayer you say before you begin your Next Chapter journey and helps you to re-clarify exactly what you want and how you want it.
- Map out your next steps – your Next Chapter will unfold one action step at a time, and you need to know what your next steps are at all times.
- Revisit your relationship with Life – the relationship you have with Life will be mirrored back to you, so why not learn how to fall in love with Life and stay in love with Life, now that you have the choice?
- Revisit your relationship with your life, specifically – we each have one “wild and precious life”, how you relate to it will shape the way you interact with it and the outcomes you receive. So let’s make this a fully conscious relationship and reap the most rewards possible!
- Revisit your beliefs about how life works – there is order and structure to life, but very few people know that or see it. Once you understand the natural order and genius of things, you’ll be able to dance with life, rather than trying to control it or run away from it.
- Create a new Life Philosophy for yourself that feels perfect for you and becomes your guiding philosophy moving forward.
- Consult with and integrate the desires, energies and wisdom of the various different versions of you through the ages – the child, the teen, the young adult and your wise elder.
- Understand how and why your life has played out in a particular way so far that has been in service to the evolution of your soul, and how it has brought you to this point.
- Learn how to consciously create a new chapter in your life anytime you’re ready to and how to relate to it as you begin it, move through it and complete it.
- Be guided, supported and illuminated as you make your way through your Next Chapter so that you can create whatever it is that you want, by combining practicality with spirituality. The lessons you learn will be far-reaching, forever beneficial and increasingly profound.
At the end of the 90 days you will not only have successfully written and lived your next chapter (or be well on your way) but will have learned the invaluable secrets to living the life you truly want – one richly experienced chapter at a time.
You will have fallen in love with Life itself, no matter what transpires, and be creating a life that you are besotted by.
Rather than lamenting about what did or didn’t happen in the past, you’ll be determined and able to make the rest of your life, the best of your life – and you’ll have the tools and knowledge to do just that!
This 90-day program is a potent combination of:

Here’s everything you receive during our three months together:
- 1x “Design Your Next Chapter” Virtual Group Workshop & Workbook (2.5 hours including Coaching)
- 1x “Make Space for Magic” Virtual Group Workshop & Workbook (5-hour Workshop, with 45 minutes of those being on Zoom)
- 12x Weekly Lessons + Mini Assignments Delivered Via Email (Allow 30-45 minutes per week to listen and apply)
- 2x 90-Minute Coaching Calls per Month for 3 Months
- Private Facebook Group for the Duration of the Program
- Online Program Portal to Access All Materials & Call Recordings
- 1x 90-Minute Graduation, Celebration & Completion Call
For more specific details, such as call times, dates and nitty-gritty specifics, please refer to the FAQ section further down this page.

Anyone who is desiring to have a love affair with Life.
Anyone who had it and lost it and wants it back.
Anyone who never had it at all and wants to learn how to have it, keep it and become a believer (if only because the alternative generally sucks…)
I decided to create this program because the fundamental issue that I saw in my work as a coach and also as a fellow human, is that most people haven’t been trained to think in a way that is helpful, loving, aligned, strategic, open, magical and filled with trust and faith.
(I don’t know about you, but this certainly wasn’t taught in my school or home…)
And bottom line, this is the reason why most people are suffering, struggling, dreaming but not doing and ultimately living a life where dreams stay dreams and typically wither and die.
With the right mindset, tools and know-how you don’t just transform on the inside (which is imperative), but you get the results that you seek and desire on the outside.
In short, everything starts with YOU.

If your entire understanding of yourself, of Life and what’s possible for you, how to make just about any dream come true and create whatever you want in your life were your new reality, what would that be worth to you?
As someone who has made this transformation, I can tell you without a second’s hesitation that this information is BEYOND PRICELESS.
Truly, there is no price you could put on this knowledge that would or could ever do it justice.
So how does one price an opportunity like this when making it available for people to purchase?
My answer: via a combination of practicality and spirituality – of course!
Practically, I know that people are generally very money-conscious right now.
Spiritually, I asked for guidance and, as always, I listened.
And so, here’s how the program and investment are working on this very first go around.
(This is a brand new program and this is your opportunity to jump on the bonuses that come with that!)
Your journey starts on Sunday 19th November 2023 and completes on Thursday 29th February 2024, meaning you have 102 days within this container rather than 90 days.
Choose your plan
Got questions? We have answers!
Facebook Group opens: Friday 17th November 2023
Program Portal opens: Friday 17th November 2023
WORKSHOP #1: 2.5 hour “Decide & Design Your Next Chapter” Workshop with Coaching. Sunday 19th November 2023. 9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm UK.
90-Minute Bonus Call: Saturday 2nd December 2023. 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm UK. Helping you to get your Next Chapter first draft finished, and your first few steps finalised.
WORKSHOP #2: 5-hour “Make Space for Magic” Workshop with Coaching. Saturday 16th December 2023. 7am PT / 10am ET / 3pm UK.
Every Monday starting Monday 20th November: A new lesson/teaching with mini-assignment will be emailed and uploaded to the Program Portal. See next section for details.
The first and third Thursday of the month: 90-minute group session to share, celebrate, get coached and supported with your Next Chapter journey. Start time: 11am PT/2pm ET/7pm UK.
Twice-Monthly Group Call Dates:
All calls run 11am PT/2pm ET/7pm UK for 90-minutes.
Thursday 7th December 2023
Thursday 21st December 2023
Thursday 4th January 2024
Thursday 18th January 2024
Thursday 1st February 2024
Thursday 15th February 2024
Graduation, Celebration & Completion Call: Thursday 29th February 2024
The Weekly Lessons (AKA Practical & Spiritual Curriculum) are delivered via email every Monday.
They comprise of an audio file which teaches the lesson and a downloadable worksheet to apply it within your own life and current chapter.
Both will be accessible via the Online Program Portal so you can access and download all from one central location as well as accessing in the future after the program completes.
Allow 30-45 minutes per week to listen and apply each lesson, except where otherwise stated below.
Monday 20th November: How to Find Your Magical Helper (Allow longer for this particular assignment)
Monday 27th November: How to Raise Your Personal Vibration
Monday 4th December: How to Feel Good About the Past
Monday 11th December: How to Speed Things Up & Slow Things Down inc. “Secrets of the Outer Edge”
Monday 18th December: How to Ask for Signs & Read Them
Monday 25th December: What to Do When It Feels Like Everything is “Going Wrong”
Monday 1st January: What to Do When it feels Like Everything is “Going Right”
Monday 8th January: How to Generate a Huge Influx of Health, Wealth, Love or Happiness Anytime You Want It
Monday 15th January: How to Feel Great About Your Chapter Even When You Wish You Were Somewhere Even Better
Monday 22nd January: How to Use Your Most Powerful Resources – Time, Money, Energy, Space, Connection, Thought, Action & Love
Monday 29th January: How to Flow with Change When Something Better Comes Along
Monday 5th February: How to Elevate Your Story Even While You’re Living It
Monday 12th February: How to Perk Up Your Sixth Sense & Spiritual Antennae
Monday 19th February: How to Be Around Others Who Don’t Get It, or Don’t Want to Get It
Monday 26th February: The Perfection of the Whole
This depends on which date you join us and what has been released for access within the program at that time.
Prior to Friday 17th November 2023, you will receive a welcome email and receipt for your purchase.
After that, it will be access to the Portal and whatever is inside of it at that point in the program schedule.
All calls take place live on Zoom and you will receive the access information via email and within the Online Program Portal.
You are welcome to join via video or phone, but my preference is to see you on video as it creates a stronger connection to each participant.
Every Zoom Call is dedicated to answering any and all questions that may be coming up.
There is also a dedicated ‘Questions for Karen’ thread in the Facebook Group.
Every question asked will be answered! Just be sure to attend a live call and ask it there or post your question in that Question thread the Facebook Group.
If you haven’t done so already, I’d love you to participate with the “How to Create the Life You Want” webinar as this will be both a warm-up and give you something to work with.
If you haven’t accessed it already, you can opt-in to this free training here.
Once purchased, there is no refund on this program.
You have lifetime access to this program, including all live calls and workshop recordings, so even if something comes up that makes it challenging for you to participate in the way that you would like, still do your best to attend live wherever possible and to get the support you need, as it will make every bit of difference and will be more valuable to you than ever.
It is usually in the most difficult and challenging of times that we receive the most valuable lessons.
You have lifelong access to all of the materials and recordings via the Online Program Portal.
The live program itself completes on Thursday 29th February 2024 with our final Group Call, and your access to the Facebook Group will complete the day after.
No problem! You can reach us via support@karenknowler.com or via our contact page.
We aim to reply to all emails as quickly as possible Monday-Friday, with the exception of public holidays.

Karen Knowler is a leading light in diet & human potential with over 25 years of in-the-field experience.
She is a Hay House author, sought-after speaker and has coached thousands of men and women worldwide to live healthier and happier lives.
Using a potent combination of practical real-world strategy and metaphysical techniques, via her own proprietary system Karen guides her clients and students to discover and step into whole new worlds of wonder and possibility within their diet and wider lives that they never knew existed.
If you’re ready to eat cleaner and live larger, Karen is here to support you to create a diet and life that you can fall in love with and that are equally delicious.